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Build strong relationships with your customers

Thanks to a turnkey tool tailored to your needs

A high-impact solution

Turn your customers into ambassadors


Customer content creation

They'll produce videos for product testing, experience sharing, reviews, unboxing or testimonials. To facilitate this process, we provide them with a personalized platform in your brand's colors. In exchange for their participation, your customers will receive rewards. We accompany and guide them in the creation of their videos, guaranteeing quality content. All content is moderated 24/7 and selected.

Content distribution by the creators

Your customers can proudly share their creations with their audiences on various social networks. A moderation team verifies 100% of content. This authentic sharing increases the engagement and reach of your message.

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Multicasting on all your channels

We deliver the videos in high definition, with unlimited broadcasting rights. The format is suitable for all social networking media: Real on Instagram, Shorts on YouTube, Watch on Facebook, and TikTok. These videos can also be featured on your website, blog, display ads and email campaigns, maximizing their impact and visibility.

Turn your customers into passionate, credible ambassadors, increasing brand awareness and trust.

Why choose us?


📲 Turnkey technology

🎬 High-quality and authentic UGC videos

💰 Customizable payout system

🤖 24/7 moderation (AI + human)

📽️ An infinite number of content options

Unlimited broadcasting rights

👨‍💼 Human support

🤓 No technical development